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in the nowの例文


  • jason , can you please try to live in the now with me .
    お願いだから 今を生きてよ
  • my momshe always says , live in the now .
    俺の母は - -いつも言ってた "今を生きなさい"って
  • stay with me . stay in the now . don't engage in a memory .
    現在に集中しろ 記憶から抜け出せ
  • i live in the now because that's what it's all about .
    今に生きるんだ なぜならそれが全てだからだ
  • live in the now , ok ? you look like debarge .
  • i want to stay in the now with the young people
  • living in the now . oh , living in the now .
  • living in the now . oh , living in the now .
  • live in the now . embrace that shit .
    今を大切に 思い切り抱き合え
  • no one speaks of it just in the now .
  • live in the now , i always say .
    今を生きよう 俺はいつも言ってる
  • i do live in the now .
    俺は 今を生きてる
  • i'm in the now
    今 オレ モテ期到来みたいな~?
  • living in the now .
  • living in the now .
  • i'm in the now
    今こそ オレ?
  • it's fine to just live in the now . but the best part about now is there is another one tomorrow .
    今はこの生活で満足です でも今最高の部分は 明日があるという事
  • for example , the legend of kamo-jinja shrine described in the now lost " yamashironokuni fudoki " (the culture and geography of yamashiro province ) mentions the child of kamotaketsunumi no mikoto named tamayorihime , who became pregnant with a god ' s child (kamowakeikazuchi no mikoto ) after finding a red arrow which had been carried from the upper reaches of the river .